It may not be the most exciting of fly tying materials, but Hareline Adult Damsel Body is one that a number of you have been asking for, so we’ve added it to the regular stock lines that we keep here at Troutlore.

It’s simple enough, a fine braided material that can be cut to length for the desired size of damsel body. The material takes permanent marker very well, so it is easy to get a barred look on your tails, marking up the entire length before cutting to get the look with little effort. Once cut to length, the material is easy to tie in as it has a certain amount of compression that doesn’t affect how the material sits on the hook shank.

To secure the end of your tail and stop fraying during casting, you can easily melt the end of the material with a cigarette lighter. Or, for a cleaner finish, a spot of UV resin works a treat. We have found that using a resin like Solarez Flex or Deer Creek Flex is the best option. Stiffer, fine style resins tend to crack and chip away with the flexing of the body. The more rubbery finish of the flex resins ensures it lasts longer and allows less resin to be applied to keep down the bulk on the end of the tail.




With two sizes and four colours in each, Hareline Adult Damsel Body is now in stock and ready to ship any time you need from your local fly tying specialist, Troutlore. You can find the range at the following link : Adult Damsel Body

As always, if you’re looking for any fly tying materials that can’t be found on our site, please just get in touch and we will gladly look into finding the product and keeping it in stock if possible.