Peccary Mane Hair. Peccary Flank Hair. Peccary Hair. There has been a fair bit of press in the past year for the use of Peccary hair in fly patterns, thanks largely to the exploits of a number of prominent flytyers on social media. Locally it gained added attention when Peter Watson shared his Peccary Parachute pattern in a recent issue of FlyLife Magazine. Of course, it isn’t one of the most readily available tying materials going around, but here at Troutlore we have striven to ensure there has been good supply of Peccary flank hair for Australian flytyers over the last few years.

For those who aren’t entirely sure as to what Peccary is exactly, let’s take a moment to have a closer look. A peccary, also known as a javelina, is a medium-sized hoofed mammal of the family Tayassuidae (New World pigs). They are found throughout Central and South America and in the southwestern area of North America.


Their bristles offer very tough wearing material ideally suited to creating fly bodies. They exhibit a natural barring in the bristles which, when wrapped around the hook shank, creates a spectacular segmented body. A coating of high gloss UV resin is all that is needed to bring the body to life and fill out the spacing between the wraps.

Unlike other quill style body materials, peccary is not at all delicate. It is very tough and easy to work with. You don’t need to worry about soaking the bristle to soften it before use, it’s ready to go right off the hide. The almost waxy texture helps it hold shape when wrapping and stops it from splitting, cracking or coming apart.


We have an ongoing supply of Peccary Flank Hair and will continue to be able to offer this to Australian fly tyers. But, just recently we managed to secure the last available stock of Peccary Mane Hair from Nature’s Spirit. The mane hair is now discontinued and no longer available, but we have one shipment left on offer. It has longer hairs than the flank, with bristles running up to 6 inches in length. This makes it ideal for larger sized flies, and longer bodies like those on Stimulators and Stonefly Nymphs.
