It’s been a crazy few weeks here at Troutlore HQ with the deliveries coming in almost as fast as the orders are flying out. We’re seeing several shipments a week from various suppliers in an attempt to keep the products you want in stock and ready to ship when you want them. Plus, we have new items arriving every week too as the online catalogue continues to grow. Many of you have emailed or called requesting certain products that we didn’t stock and we have gone out of our way to ensure they are available as soon as possible. So, if there is something you wanted to add to your order that you can’t find here, please feel free to leave a coment, or shoot us an emial and we’ll get onto it right away.

In the meantime, Harline Dubbin, Stonfo, Regal Vises, Metz and Flymen Fishing Co all landed since I had time to write the last blog. Needless to say, it’s kept us busy here not only photographing and listing the new products, but also giving many of them a test run as, like one would expect, we are always ordering extra for personal use as well. Between suffering in the winter weather on some wind-swept lake and staring at a computer screen all day, there has been some time to enjoy the new spoils of war.

On top of all that, there are still currently six shipments in the air somewhere on their way down-under for the Troutlore store. With new orders being finalized to day for even more products. Keep your eyes on the New Arrivals page to see what’s come in recently, but be aware that you might have missed plenty if you don’t check in every week.