Let me start by stating that I am not endorsed by Simms in any way, nor have I received any products gratis, or even at a discount in lieu of what I am about to write. There are plenty of reviews of products out there that basically blow hot air up the rear end of a product manufacturer in order to sell advertising space and keep everyone happy. There can be a lot of greasing of the palms in publishing and even so now in the social media realm. So, before you read any further, because, I feel that a glowing review is about to come spewing out of me like a teenager who’s had too much to drink for the first time, I want you all to understand that it is the product itself, and not a sales or marketing team, that has earned this praise.

So, this week I have taken possession of a new pair of Simms G4 Pro waders. An by ‘taken possession’ I mean, spent a heap of cash that my loving wife insisted I spend because apparently I spend enough time in the water for her to endorse this retail experience. So, they were not handed to me, donated or written off, I bought them myself and for those of you in Australia, with the way the dollar is, you will understand that this is a decent outlay, so one would want to have confidence in the product. But, when you think about it, given that I spend an average of about 20 hours a week inside my waders, come rain, hail or shine, then you can get an idea of the value they represent: 20 hours, by 52 weeks, by let’s say four years because I intend on being very rough on them. That works out to be only 20 cents an hour, or a dollar or two a day. THAT is good value given what they are going to be put through. But, for all the fancy specifications, write-ups and general belief I have in these waders, I can’t really review them as yet, given that they haven’t even been wet for more than a few hours at this point. Sure, they instantly offered me a better fit that what I was used to and the raised multi-layered section certianly gave me added confidence in the crotch region. But I have not yet had a proper chance to really punish them and see how they hold up to the torture that is Fishing with Troutlore.

What I can do is deliver a comparison to an older, very worn out, very much abused and totally on their last legs pair of Simms Guide waders that smell like a dead rat has been left to rot in them. Not a pretty image, I am sure, but that is what comes from sweating it out in 40 degree days in the Australia bush, hiking miles through the scrub to get to a river somewhere. And yes, I am sure many of you in distant countries are thinking “why the hell would you wear waders in that heat?” Well, if you’ve come across an Australian tiger snake that has had a few days of hot weather to warm up it’s blood, you’d be layering up around the legs too. Especially when late summer leads into breeding season and they get aggressive and fast. So, I sweat it out on the hot days and make the most of the breathable nature of the Simms Gortex.

That said, these Guide waders have seen me through several summers, where plenty of time was spent slogging it out in backcountry bush with the dreaded blackberry to contend with. Not to mention the punishment they take in the rocky canyons of some of the mountain streams. So, it is with good reason that my replacement pair are made by Simms. I simply would not wear another wader, having previously destroyed another brand names waders in under six months. If a pair of waders can handle what I put them through and get you through three or four years of wear, they get my seal of approval. I now have plenty of adventures to look forward to in the new G4 Pro waders. And best of all, they smell fresh too!