
Veniard Barred Centipede Legs are a small size rubber leg made for tying flies the likes of small streamers, chernobyl ants or foam flies. These legs give to flies an extra movement in water and works perfect for chub, trout or bass. They are ideal for little leggy nymphs too, offering a round leg in a fine diameter.

Veniard Barred Centipede Legs can be added in tails on marabou buggers or woolly bugger for an extra movement effect or can be added in streamer hackle for native too!

Of course, if you want to create all sorts of natural looking fly patterns, then our ever growing range of natural feathers is the ideal place to start. Aside from all the hackles, marabou, Coq De Leon and Cul De Canard that we have on offer, you can find some real gems the Other Feathers Category of the Troutlore Flytying Store. If you can’t find a product you are specifically looking for, get in touch and we will see if it can be sourced, and kept in stock. Plus, you can keep up to date with new releases through our newsletter and social media outlets.