
Tying Small Flies by Ed Engle is all about taking trout on lightweight rods with flies as small as size 20 and 30, and the challenge this presents. Learn to imitate midges’ trailing shucks and drowned adults, tie tiny parachutes and white-winged Tricos, and create patterns that mimic micro-caddis and micro scuds. In Tying Small Flies, Ed Engle covers small-fly history, tying tools, and materials. Tips on fishing techniques come from Ed Engle’s 30 years of experience fishing small flies on the South Platte River.


Format Paperback – 240 pages

Dimensions – 100mm x 100mm

ISBN: 9780811719780

EAN:  9780811719780

Other titles by a range of renowned fly tiers and authors, can be found in the Books Category in the Troutlore Fly Tying Store. We are always in search of new titles to add to our book collection, not just for the Troutlore library, but to offer for sale to Australia fly tiers. IF you can’t find a title you are specifically looking for, get in touch and we will see if it can be sourced, and kept in stock. Keep up to date with new releases through our newsletter and social media outlets.