
Trout Waters of Tasmania, is a complete update to Greg French’s definitive book on trout fishing in Tasmania. Trout Waters of Tasmania contains information on every lake, stream and estuary available to anglers on the Apple Isle. This book has everything that you need to know about trout when planning a trip to Tasmania. Full colour maps of major rivers and lakes contain access points plus the lakes’ full-supply levels, typical operating levels and inundated waterways.

This updated version features new impoundments, including Huntsman Lake, changed situations at existing lakes and previously unrecorded wilderness fisheries are all documented for the first time. Plus there is everything else you need to know including websites, regulations and management plans, services, fishing guides and boat hire.


Format Hardcover –  368 Pages

Dimensions – 26.5 x 19.5  x 2.8 cm

ISBN: 9781865131900

EAN:  1865131903

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