
The Lost Fly Golden Tippets offer a selection of tippet feathers selected by Brent from The Lost Fly. Each pack contains a good mix of small to large tippet feathers to cover a range of fly tying applications.

These feathers are a completely natural product, this item has not been altered or dyed in any way. Taken from the neck of the golden pheasant these striking orange and black tipped feathers are simply beautiful. Great for a range of uses, especially as tail and wing materials in a number of classic flies. Golden Pheasant Tippet feathers are used in tails for famous Royal Coachmen Dry Fly. Also used for tailing in a range of nymph patterns, beetle patterns and wet flies.

Sale is for one single pack of 10 assorted tippet feathers, like pictured.

Brent Bowerman is the proud owner of The Lost Fly, a flyfisherman and flytyer with passion. He creates custom flies and materials from the wealth of knowledge he has collected over the years working in the Tasmanian fly fishing industry. We are very fortunate at Troutlore to have had Brent offer his products to us, so that we can share them with the wider Australian fly tying community. These will soon begin to appear in the flies that we use ourselves on the rivers and streams of Victoria. If you’re all about #tieyourown then we have The Lost Fly products to help you create your own fish-fooling masterpieces, including The Lost Fly Premium Deer Hair. If you are looking for quality tied flies lovingly prepared to order, then please contact Brent at

Of course, if you want to create all sorts of natural looking fly patterns, then our ever growing range of natural feathers is the ideal place to start. Aside from all the hackles, marbou, Coq De Leon and Cul De Canard that we have on offer, you can find some real gems the Other Feathers Category of the Troutlore Flytying Store. If you can’t find a product you are specifically looking for, get in touch and we will see if it can be sourced, and kept in stock. Plus, you can keep up to date with new releases through our newsletter and social media outlets.