
Hareline Watershed is a permanent waterproofing agent for flies, materials, dubbing, feathers, yarns, leaders, braided loops and fly lines.
Watershed will not leave oil rings or residues of any kind on the water surface.
Watershed will not change colors or the texture of tying materials.
Watershed is completely ordorless and colorless.
Floatability is not affected in any way by fish or weed slime.
Can be applies directly or dabbed on with fingers. One drop is all that is needed to pre-treat your flies.
Watershed can also be used on deer hair to keep your bug floating higher and longer.
When cured, Watershed has a specific gravity lower than water and will make virtually any dry fly material float like a cork. In tests conducted by Hareline Dubbin, few if any dry fly materials were found which did not float for days on end.

To use Hareline Watershed, simply add a drop to your flies, materials, lines, leaders, tippets (or whatever). Allow to dry 24 hours. Watershed is a pre-treatment and must be applied to dry materials or Watershed will not cure and waterproof properly.